
Without exception: this is how a man who loves you very, very much behaves

Without exception: this is how a man who loves you very, very much behaves

When the chemistry between you is so strong, for a moment you will feel like you are destined for each other. However! Things may not turn out the way you want them to, and there's nothing wrong with that - if your man is behaving this way, he loves you very, very much, and your idea of destiny is not wrong.

Paul Dobransky, a scientist who works in the field of love relationships, has found in his findings so far that it often happens that people they misunderstand the strong physical connection as a sign that they are two people destined.

As he says, chemistry is the key to a lasting relationship, but there is no deciding factor character. You should also consider many other factors. In his research so far, he has thus come to the conclusion that you can already find out on the basis of a man's behavior whether bo your relationship is successful. Pay attention to his behavior because you must not overlook some things...

This is how a man who loves you very, very much behaves...

He knows what he wants.

The man with whom you are planning a serious relationship should define your passions and goals (and you should too). As dark as it sounds, a man is not ready for a relationship until he has an idea of his future. Dobransky says that a man must know what he wants to be when he grows up, otherwise you cannot plan the future with him. Don't expect him to figure out what he wants over time, because he might your ambitions don't match, which can be a serious problem.

This problem led to the phenomenon "initial laws”, in which the young partners developed in completely different directions in the 20s, which led to an early divorce, says Dobransky.

He knows what he wants.
He knows what he wants.

He looks at life positively.

Dobransky says some studies have shown that women who date positive men happier in the relationship. The partner's level of optimism affects the duration of the relationship. In addition to the fact that it is nice to have someone by your side who is positive and can help you when you are facing problems, such a partner is usually also ready to compromise, says Dobransky.

A man who is positive will also make you laugh and teach you to look at things positively. Which is an important outlet for the daily stress that almost every couple faces. A sense of humor will help you overcome difficult times.

He is willing to change because of you.

A person can be changed and there is no point in changing anyone because you have to love them the way they are, but it is completely normal for a partner in a relationship they have to make some corrections, if they want their relationship to last. If his behavior is getting on your nerves (and vice versa), it's okay to talk it out.

Dobransky says it is a man in love self-critical and it's ready work on your personality. Every human being should have the ability to change and grow. If he is not ready to influence his actions, the interests that he would harmonize with you, you will quickly "overcome" him, which sooner or later will lead to conflicts in the relationship and competition.

He is willing to change because of you.
He is willing to change because of you.

He is mysterious.

The beginning of any relationship is exciting because they get to know each other. If you happen to be unable to predict his next move, that's perfectly fine, says Dobransky. Intrigue is much more interesting than habit.
It's important for a man to be open when it comes to topics related to family and career, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with setting boundaries and keeping things to yourself. Once they figure out all the details, it just might be slowly your relationship started to deteriorate.

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