
Women love them: we all wear these hairstyles, but they damage our hair

Women love them: we all wear these hairstyles, but they damage our hair

The key to shiny and healthy hair is not ONLY in care with cosmetics, but in the fact that you have to let your hair rest and breathe - we all wear these hairstyles, but they damage our hair. Do you like them too?

Hair care is a serious undertaking for those women who they like to experiment with different hairstyles. We know that bleaching, washing too often or infrequently (with hot water) and exposing hair to heat are the main culprits for damaged hair.

But they do exist many other things, which cause your hair to turn into a "shithole" every day, namely the hairstyles you wear!

Experts say you shouldn't overdo it with hair care, because they do too they need to rest and breathe, without any extras.

We all wear these hairstyles, but they damage our hair:


 Hair looks great in a tight bun
Hair looks great in a tight bun

On hot summer days, a ponytail is a desirable hairstyle, which cannot be disputed for being functional. However, it is said to be one of the main culprits for alopecia (baldness). Tightly tied hair looks great, but elastics that put a lot of pressure on the hair also damage it.

ADVICE: If you really can't resist a ponytail, get yourself "invisibobble" elastics, which are supposed to be less damaging to your hair. They also look fashionable.


Braids look sensual on any hair type.
Braids look sensual on any hair type.

Braids look sensual on any hair type, but the constant tugging they cause can lead to permanent damage. Tightening the hair puts stress on the roots, which can cause damage to the follicles, split ends and overall loss of quality.

ADVICE: When making braids, pay attention to how tightly you pull your hair. You know that braids made lightly are in fashion these days, so you'd better treat yourself to such a hairstyle.


 Even a slightly done fig is a crime for your hair.
Even a slightly done fig is a crime for your hair.

When you don't know what to do with your hair, you probably tie it up. Error! Even a slightly done fig is a crime for your hair, namely because of hair breakage, which should then cause hair loss.

ADVICE: Some girls just sleep with a fig. If you do, you better avoid it, experts say. Let your hair breathe and rest.

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