
Women's Fashion in the 1920s: Birth of the Modern Era

Women's fashion in the 20s of the 20th century.

The year 1920 is considered a turning point in fashion, as fashion entered the modern era. Since then, we are no longer talking about antique clothes, but about vintage clothes. This label belongs to all clothes made up to 1990. In the 1920s, women (as well as men) started wearing comfortable and practical clothes for the first time, and the fashion industry broke the ties with the impractical and "tight" clothes of the past. The First World War and the emancipation of women contributed a lot to this, because due to the absence of men, they also had to perform men's professions, which the old clothes made difficult for them. That's why they became simpler and less decorated, and the end of the war somehow contributed to less strict clothing. People were happier, and this was also reflected in the cuts.

Women's fashion in the 1920s brought simpler, more practical, but therefore no less fashionable clothes. They contributed to this war (the absence of men and especially the end of the war, which brought smiles and optimism back to people's faces), technological progress and inventions of new materials. The first woman to wear pants in everyday life is said to be the French designer Gabrielle Chanel Bonheur, better known as Coco Chanel.

Eternal fashion from the twenties.
Eternal fashion from the twenties.

She once said: "I gave freedom to women. I gave them back their bodies, bodies that were sweaty from fancy dresses, lace, corsets, underwear and pads.”

READ MORE: Woodstock, the "original sin" of today's women's fashion

No wonder, yes The 1920s are considered a turning point in the world of fashion and that even today fashion is inspired by pieces from almost a hundred years ago. We call new clothes that imitate past times retro, to clarify this concept and its use in the fashion world.

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