
Women's hairstyles 2015: forget about overflowing color shades, split-dyed hairstyles are in trend

Half-half: the latest cry among women's hairstyles

Not ombre, not balayage, not gray shades, the latest trend among women's hairstyles is half-and-half. More and more girls dye their hair with two different colors, with the difference being that they draw a sharp dividing line between them. It is no longer a dramatic or gentle dressing, but a real "yin yang". And because we know that coloring your hair is a serious commitment, you know that you shouldn't do the job half-heartedly. Well, unless you want to think of the aforementioned color combination, which caught the name "half and half".

Today there are women who are not they dye their hair in the minority. Therefore, it is not surprising that new trends multiply like mushrooms after rain. At the moment it is "and" half half ("half and half or "split-dyed"). More and more girls come up with a style where they dye one half of their hair one color and the other half with a different color, and draw the line exactly in the middle of the head.

READ MORE: Women's hairstyles 2015: Gray hair is in trend

You know, just as it is difficult to decide on just one flavor of ice cream, it is also difficult to decide on just one one shade of hair color. And why compromise when you can have it all. At the same time, you will look absolutely fantastic, bolder than with a dressing and show off positive vibes.

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