
Women's hairstyles 2020: 5 most beautiful hairstyles for autumn - welcome the sixties!

Women's hairstyles 2020 for this fall predict that the most beautiful trends from the 60s and 70s of the last century are returning to the fashion throne!

What do the trends in women's hairstyles predict for this fall? Since the hairstyle is an extremely important factor in our overall appearance, the decision of what the change will be should not be taken overnight! So maybe now is the right time to check out the most beautiful ones women's hairstyles 2020 for this fall and you decide which one is best for you!

Frifru curtain

Autumn is the season of bangs (it's too hot for them in the summer, don't you agree?), but you can consider a bang that completely covers the forehead, or a bang that you have divided on one and the other side of the forehead ("curtain bangs") . It is the latter that the movie star Brigitte Bardot carried in the 60s of the last century, is said to be the most popular. It is also supposed to be such a frufru suited all face shapes.

Layered "shag" hairstyle from the 70s of the last century

The hairstyle, which according to experts is expected to be the most popular this fall, is a version of the popular hairstyle from the 1970s, which includes layered haircut and slightly disheveled hair and can look glamorous effortlessly! The combination of strands that frame the face and the way it is cut give the hairstyle volume, and rightly so not difficult to maintain.


Lovers of short hairstyles, don't miss the pixie this fall! If you need inspiration, check out what hairstyle she wore retro icon Mia Farrow. Thanks to the layered haircut, the volume will be taken care of here too!

A straight haircut

Of course, this year's autumn should not be missing pages either, which has been present in one form or another for the past few years. Well, it will also be a big hit this fall sharp or straight-cut jaw-length sideburns.

A classic shoulder-length haircut

The classic shoulder-length (or collarbone-length) haircut that frames the face will be popular this fall as well. It is ideal for all women who want to a slightly shorter but not too short haircut. The key to this hairstyle is its simplicity, with soft ends and layers that add volume.

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