
A wonder desk custom made by a creative: Artifox Desk 01

Artifox Desk 01 was created with only one goal in mind: to create a space for creative inspiration.

Have you ever written down information right on your desk? Then it is Artifox Desk 01 as created for you. He looks for a role model at traditional desks, which is tailored to your needs so you can be more productive. Your mobile devices find a nest on the desktop, while you'll hide cables in an accessible storage drawer. The soft magnetic strips are like guides that guide the power cables down the table leg, creating a clean and streamlined look.

An extremely minimalistic and tidy table. For all lovers of timeless design.
An extremely minimalistic and tidy table. For all lovers of timeless design.

The writing surface for drafts is like your personal tablet, which can be on the right or left of the desktop, and you can easily erase what you write with an eraser sponge. It is available in maple color as pictured and some other material combinations.

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