
Wooden furniture inspired by puzzles

Konstantin Achkov's idea is not at all as far-fetched as it might sound at first. After all, almost every large piece of furniture from Ikea needs to be assembled. But while Ikea tries to provide you with all the pieces and some more, so that you end up wondering if you might have forgotten something, the Bolgar idea goes in the diametrically opposite direction. He found inspiration for wooden furniture in assembling puzzles, precisely because of the special joint...

Furniture Konstantin Achkov it is not to be confused with furniture that folds as an angle puzzles or that you assemble yourself. Its pieces are already a composition complex structures, which at first glance look like something from a laboratory, but have one very surprising feature. All the chairs, tables, sleds and the rest haven't smelled a single day adhesives or tasted pain screws, which otherwise likes to dig into their 'flesh'. All the pieces stick to each other in a 'natural' way with the help of a special joint (i.e revolute joint), which creates and recreates the impression and idea of the puzzle.
READ MORE: Simple concrete furniture

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