"Word as Image" is a collection of digital visualizations of words by New York designer Ji Lee. Lee discovered his love of playing with words 20 years ago in typography classes at art school, and the two have been inseparable ever since.
"Word as Image" is a visual game with word meanings. "When we were children, letters were for us as fun toys,” he explains Ji Lee. "We colored them in coloring books and danced and sang with the characters on TV as we learned individual letters with them. Soon letters turned into words, words into sentences and sentences, and sentences into thoughts. At that time, we stopped playing with them."
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But Lee's passion for letters never really went out, as evidenced by his "Word as Image" series, in which he visualizes the meanings of various words. To this, or at least to this kind of thinking in my classes typography he also encourages students, because he wants them to see in the letters more than just their practical utility.
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