
Recipe: Caipirinha - the drink of the World Cup

A recipe for Brazil's national alcoholic drink made of lime and cachaça, with which we will cool down while watching the 20th World Cup.

For anyone wondering what that is Caipirinha, let us tell you that this is an awesome cocktail as delicious as it is To a daquiri (rum, sugar and lime). However, when preparing a real Capirinha, we use a Brazilian liqueur with a fun name cachaça. Liqueur combined with limes, sugar and ice cubes is simply the perfect summer drink.


  • 1 lime
  • 3 teaspoons of brown sugar
  • ice
  • 0.5 dl Cachaça


Cut the lime into pieces, put them in a glass and sprinkle 3 teaspoons of brown sugar over them. Mix everything well so that the lime releases all its juice. Fill the glass with crushed ice and pour cachaça over it. Mix with a straw and serve.

How to prepare a refreshing Capirinho.
How to prepare a refreshing Capirinho.

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