
The worst compliments, don't use them at all if you want a good one

We all love sincere compliments about our looks or achievements. If we strive for something, the encouragement of others means a lot to us. We love it when someone says we look young, accomplished, or have good style. However, some people do not know how to accept compliments, and others do not know how to give them in the right way.

You have probably already found yourself in a situation where someone gave you a compliment, but it sounded insincere. You may have wondered if this is a clumsy person with the best of intentions or someone who just wants to please others. If you often receive compliments that you don't know how to respond to, or if you want to make a better impression, read about what types of compliments to avoid.

1. Frequent compliments

Although it is nice to praise someone, it should be done in moderation. If you often give compliments to the same person or in front of the same people, others may think you take them for granted. Humans value things and phenomena that are rare, so don't overdo it. When you genuinely like a behavior, then step forward and say a kind word.

Frequent compliments

2. Excessive compliments

It's probably happened to you that you got a compliment about how great you look in an outfit, but it's actually everyday pieces. Therefore, adapt the words to the occasion and let them come from the heart. Otherwise, the other person may wonder if you are sincere enough or have an ulterior motive.

3. Well known compliments

If you've just met someone, stick to general compliments and don't overstep the bounds of good taste. Admiring external appearance, such as eye color or body shape, is not appropriate for the situation and can only cause the opposite effect. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with praising a style or achievement.

Well-known compliments

4. Calculated compliments

If you give compliments only because you want to get something in return, change your behavior as soon as possible. Calculativeness is not difficult to recognize, and the main role of praise is to brighten another person's day or reward their good deed. All other motives, such as renting, looking for a service or wanting to present yourself in a good light, are not welcome.

5. Ambiguous compliments

Have you ever had someone give you a compliment after you were feeling down and it would have been better if you hadn't even heard it? For example: “Great hairstyle. Much more beautiful than the previous one.” After such words, you can only think that you looked ugly before the new haircut. Ambiguous compliments should therefore be avoided, as they are not meant to elevate yourself above others. It is better to work on your self-confidence, because only then will you be able to sincerely praise someone.

6. Compliments in larger company

Sometimes we give compliments when we are in the company of several people, which can be a double-edged sword. In these situations, pay attention to the others present, because not everyone likes this kind of outpouring of emotions. Imagine how your best friend would feel if you praised her weight loss in front of others. The exception is, of course, if you are in the gym, where such a comment is appropriate. Therefore, pay attention to your head and always choose the right moment.

Compliments in larger company

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