
Xbox One X: The most powerful Xbox yet

The E3 conference, Project Scorpio, the best yet... Do you know what we're talking about yet? Well, if you don't mind, let us reveal to you that it is the most powerful gaming console to date, Microsoft's Xbox One X. PC gamers, you can lick your fingers. Especially after you read what's inside it.

It is in shape Xbox One X otherwise very similar to a console One S, but that's basically where all the similarities end. The real thing is hidden inside the case beast. He will drive her Custom AMD 8-core processor, which will work on 2.3 GHz, and graphics will be handled by unit s 1172 MHz and 12 GB of graphics memory. 6 teraflops power will allow 4K-environment and characters from the games to make them look even better realistically like until now. As already mentioned, you will play games at 4K resolution using HDR and sound technologies Dolby Atmos. Microsoft has also developed a special cooling s liquid-cooled steam chambers, as can be seen in more expensive computers, as all these components overheat quite a bit. The Xbox One X will also have it optical drive 4K Blu-ray. It doesn't get any better for movie lovers. You will be able to find it on the back 2 HDMI inputs, 3 USB 3.0 inputs and entrances IR, S/PDIF and Ethernet.

Gamers, you got goosebumps, didn't you? You will have to wait until beginning of November, that the Xbox One X really moves to the shelves, where there will be a price tag under the console 499 euros.


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