
Yamaha Yard Built: When Vision Becomes Reality

Yamaha XSR 700 Barbara Custom Motorcycles Disruptive

Yamaha Yard Built is a project that has been credited with some of the most expressive one-of-a-kind motorcycle builds over the last few years. The theme of the call in 2020 was Back to the drawing board, and the winner is a company we have already written about.

Projects Yamaha Yard Built they are until now went back to the future, touched "classic rallies", and this year, as we have already mentioned, they gave it their all Back to the drawing board. In March they are at Yamaha prepared a tender in which the designers would imagine a motorcycle in their own way Yamaha XSR 700. The winning motorcycle idea will also be produced and presented at the event Wheels & Waves, which will take place in Biarritz, France. The commission chose between 30 received ideas. A winning name idea Disruptive (translated as "annoying") came from a manufacturer and processor of motorcycles Barbara Custom Motorcycles. Disruptive continues tradition, which Barbara Custom Motorcycles has been using for a long time. In their philosophy, they try to unify futuristic elements and elements from classical era of motorcycles.

Yamaha Yard Built 2020
Yamaha Yard Built 2020
Yamaha Yard Built 2020
Yamaha Yard Built 2020

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