
They said "yes" more than 50 times all over the world


Lisa Gant and Alex Pelling have traveled almost all over the world in the last two years and have been married more than 50 times. Don't believe it?

British in love started their journey in 2011, when they decided to get married after four years of dating. Since they couldn't answer the question "where should the wedding take place?", they decided to look for an ideal place and chose Australia. Since then, the two passionate travelers have visited just 50 countries and attended a traditional wedding typical of a certain country or culture in each destination. With its mission – find the best place to get married – managed to show us the magic of the wedding ceremony of almost every culture and thus proved that there is no better place to get married. A couple who, among other things, were also married shaman, rabbi and even a voodoo priest, is currently approaching his 54th wedding, which will take place in Turkey.

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You can follow the couple on their Web site.

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