
Yoga: asanas to greet spring

Yoga: asanas to greet spring

Up for a little yoga? The days are getting longer and spring flowers are in abundance. There is a smell of freshness in the air and a feeling that everything is possible. Those of us who have been hibernating can finally enjoy glimpses of the blue of the blue sky and the fact that summer is not far away makes us endlessly happy. Yoga asanas to greet spring are perfect for the present time.

To shake off the winter coat, literally and figuratively, we present yoga asanas to greet spring. They will help you balance the energy and to manifest just about any vision.

Mountain (Tadasana)

1. Stand upright. Feet are hip-width apart, shoulders are relaxed. Notice if you feel any tension in the buttocks, shoulders or jaw area. Relax by inhaling deeply and exhaling through your mouth.
2. Distribute the weight evenly on both feet. The toes are relaxed and slightly spread. Raise the arch of the foot. Try to feel a strong connection to the floor or mat.
3. Close your eyes and imagine roots extending from your feet to the ground. Feel stability, grounding and strength.
4. Bring your hands to your chest and clasp them. Relax your shoulders.

This posture will balance the root chakra.

Mountain (Tadasana)
Mountain (Tadasana)

Chair pose (utkatasana)

1. Start in an upright position. Hands are next to the body.
2. Inhale, bend your legs at the knee and stretch your arms above your head. Make sure that the knees do not go over the line of the toes. The bottom is strongly compressed. Roll your pelvis inward by squeezing your glutes and inner thigh muscles tightly.
3. Look forward or up and stay in the position for 5 inhales and exhales.
4. While inhaling, stretch your legs and return to the starting position.

Another asana for strengthening the root chakra. Positive effects: strengthens the ankles, knees, thigh muscles and spine, opens us in the shoulder girdle and chest.

Chair pose (utkatasana)
Chair pose (utkatasana)

Camel (Ustrasana)

1. Begin by kneeling. Knees and feet are hip-width apart.
2. The pelvis is in a position above the knees.
3. Place your palms in front of your chest in the position of prayer. Push your shoulders and elbows back and lean back with your entire upper body, keeping your pelvis above your knees. Lower your hands and use them to grip your heels. Relax your head and "open" your throat.

The asana releases tension in the abdomen and reproductive organs. Among other things, the position promotes a sense of fearlessness and helps fight anxiety. Attention! Those with neck and spine problems or low blood pressure should take special care when performing this asana.

Camel (Ustrasana)
Camel (Ustrasana)


Dog Pose (uttana shishosana)

1. Start on all fours. Make sure your knees are hip-width apart and your hands are under your shoulders.
2. Curl your toes and slowly walk towards your hands. Keep your hips up.
3. Move your chest toward the mat and your hips toward your heels.
4. Stretch in the spine and sides of the chest.

In addition to stretching the back and chest, the asana is also effective for stretching the hips, shoulder girdle and arms. The position calms the head and relieves stress and tension in the body. Asana is recommended for anyone who spends a lot of time sitting at a desk.

Dog Pose (uttana shishosana)
Dog Pose (uttana shishosana)

Corpse Pose (savasana)

1. Lie on your back and stretch your legs. Let them fall freely in the width of the mat. Relax your shoulders, place your hands next to your body, palms facing up.
2. Close your eyes and shift your attention to your eyebrows, throat, belly, buttocks, thighs and feet. Exhale to release tension in all parts of the body.
3. Imagine that you have merged with the mat.
4. Rest in this position as long as you can.

The corpse pose is used at the end of every yoga practice. Although it seems very simple at first glance, quieting the mind can be a real challenge. The asana symbolizes the "death" of everything because it happened in the past and allows us to revive and start anew. Ideal for welcoming spring and all the opportunities it brings with it.

Corpse Pose (savasana)
Corpse Pose (savasana)


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