
Are you interested in how couples kiss around the world?

Kissing the world

A kiss is a universal language, yet the tradition of kissing is different around the world. If you can't go without language in France, this is not necessarily the case in Thailand, where they are more reserved when it comes to showing love and affection in this way. But what about India, which anthropologists believe is the cradle of today's kiss? Are you interested in how couples kiss around the world? You have come to the right address!

It's a kiss one of the most intimate acts and one of the most sensual forms of touch. It can mean many things, depending on the place of contact and the culture. This time we will focus on a kiss on the mouth, which shows love. Such a kiss has a special place and value in a person. At all the first one, and the wedding 'from forever to forever', yes a kiss we regret,... How very important they are is shown by the fact that even science deals with kisses and kissing! We call this branch phylematology.

READ MORE: 10 different kissing styles or kisses that women don't like

Kisses, intoxicating vices that are hard to get over.
Kisses, intoxicating vices that are hard to get over.

Although a kiss has practically the same meaning everywhere (a show of love), and people around the world kiss differently (but only in the Eskimo and Malay kiss, the main role is played by the nose and not the lips). This one wants to know how? Let the video above take you across the face of the earth and reveal, how oral muscles are recruited in heterosexual and homosexual couples around the world. And that. It's International Kissing Day July 6, when many cities around the world hold kissing-themed events. Otherwise, whatever your kiss is, let it always be sincere.

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