
You can be guilty too: 2 actions that FORCE your partner to cheat on you

You can be guilty too: 2 actions that FORCE your partner to cheat on you

Have you ever thought about pushing your better half into a corner with your actions and even forcing her to cheat on you?

Cheating is probably the most painful act you can do experienced by a living person. The feeling of being betrayed by someone is devastating. And in such situations, everyone wonders who is to blame for this happening in the first place - the partner who cheated; the person he cheated with or YOU yourself? An unequivocal answer you can't just find it, because it is often a set of different factors that claimed their debt.

Feeling betrayed by someone is devastating.
Feeling betrayed by someone is devastating.

There are people for whom nothing is sacred, so they will be themselves without a second thought put instinct before loyalty. The relationship with such people is built on the wrong foundations from the very beginning of the relationship. On the other hand, there are also such relationships in which partners otherwise we wouldn't cheat, but for a long time one of the persons does not get what he needs from the other person, because he does not listen to him, so he simply decides to the worst possible way out, instead of facing difficulties bravely. And such a situation explains the fact that they can also both partners are to blame for the resulting confusion.
This is not to say that you should blame yourself for your partner cheating on you, but you should also consider of their actions, which MAY in a certain percentage have led to the fact that your better half decided on infidelity.

2 actions to FORCE your partner to cheat on you:

They have different expectations.

People are different, which suggests that each person has different expectations of what a relationship should be like. In the list of things that a soulmate should possess, there are usually too many such requirements that lead to discord between two people. And it is one of the fundamental ones communication.

None of these feelings build trust and intimacy between two people.
None of these feelings build trust and intimacy between two people.

It's unfair to lump all the men and women of this world together, but guys are generally quiet and in their own world, while women tend to be more talkative. Of course, the situation can also be the other way around! Just because of this fact, there can be and fears, because one of the partners expects that the other will respond, and because they don't, there is uncertainty on both sides. Trust is lost, and many scenarios begin to form in the head. And none of these feelings build of trust and intimacy between two people.
Precisely because of this feeling, it often happens that partners blame each other for things that didn't even happen. And no one likes to be wrongly convicted.

It is important that approach each other with understanding and talk to each other about the time they are supposed to talk. The moment is important. Not every minute, day or week is suitable for discussing pressing life situations. You have to be BOTH when it comes to things!

Jealousy can cause double standards in communication.
Jealousy can cause double standards in communication.

You are jealous and insecure.

Jealousy - a topic that has been discussed by poets, writers and scientists of the world, but they have not come to an answer whether this emotion is healthy or destructive. Since everyone adheres to Aristotle's principle of the golden mean, they just said that jealousy is acceptable within healthy limits. However, where is the healthy line? Jealousy can cause double standards in communication. It often happens that partners can talk about everything under the sun, but when it comes to topics related to needs, they close in on themselves and become depressed.

It's perfectly normal for people to have different needs and they need to be discussed. If your loved one wants you to dress up in a certain way for them because it will fuel their fantasies, jealously thinking that they are probably cheating on you with such a person and want them around is completely MISSED. If a person is brave enough to tell you what they want, it means you're doing something right.
Forget the jealous outbursts that they will only destroy the bond between you.

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