
You can deceive others, but never your subconscious: Freud's test reveals what kind of person you are!

The power of the mind is truly amazing - many manage to convince themselves and others of something that is not really true at all.

If you want to get to know yourself better and get an objective assessment of your attitudes, take an interesting test. Conceived by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, it consists of several questions that must be answered.

It is important not to look ahead to the results and to give honest answers. Without thinking much, answer the first thing that comes to your mind.


1. You are looking at the sea. Your first feeling? You can close your eyes.
2. You walk through the forest and look down. What do you feel?
3. You are watching a flight of seagulls. What do you feel?
4. You see a herd of horses. What do you feel? Don't think too long.
5. In the desert, you see a wall with a small opening, behind which is an oasis. In this case, your facts are needed, not your thoughts - write what you will do.
6. Desert again. You are tired from the long journey. You see a container of water. What do you do?
7. You are lost in the forest. It got dark. You see a house with a lighted window. What do you do?
8. You are in a fog. What will you do, how do you feel?

The results

Each question related to a specific segment of your life. Your response (an action you took or a feeling that first appeared as a connection) is a response to how you are when it comes to important areas of life.

1. Your attitude to life, emotions, feelings.
2. How do you feel about your family?
3. Your attitude towards women.
4. Your attitude towards men.
5. Your basic life strategy, goal, how you solve your problems.
6. Your sex life, choice of partner.
7. Your readiness for marriage.
8. Your relationship to death.

Of course, you don't have to agree with the results. But remember: you can blind yourself as much as you want, maybe you can also blind others... a You will NEVER be able to fool your subconscious mind.

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