
Can't decide? Here are two science-backed techniques to help you understand what you want!

Calm down and release all the negative energy away from you.

You cannot change anything by rejecting or condemning. You can only change things by deeply accepting what they are. Make peace with them. You observe them and look for better ways through the flow of creativity of your being.

No matter how hard it is to make a decision and how afraid you are of change, the only way to understand what you really want is to calm down. Often the best way to understand if the decision was the right one (especially if you were under pressure) is to observe your emotions!

When you are nervous, you block out the voice of intuition. Your mind is muddled with compromises and fighting arguments. When we act, act on a certain choice, we feel either excitement or a drop in tension. This can be almost imperceptible or very obvious. But we know in an instant whether the choice was aligned with what we really want.

How is this useful? The thing is, you can trick your mind into believing you've taken action before you have. Let's look at examples.

1. Feel like you've already chosen

Did you know that our brain doesn't see the difference between the feeling of doing something and actually doing it? This is why people love sporting events. Our brain then produces the same chemicals it would if we were actually running around the field fighting to win!

The best athletes and successful people in various fields mention this technique as the foundation for their achievements.

See it, feel it, convince your brain it's already there. Researchers prove that when you can focus on the feeling you will experience at the finish line, your performance increases dramatically.

Take some time to focus on your inner self. Go deep into your universe. When you go inside, breathe deeply for a few minutes, calm your mind. Let the thoughts slip away and gradually disappear.

Now you are ready for the exercise.

Think about the choice you have to make as if you were giving advice to a friend. Don't get emotional, you're just trying to give advice, so you need to see the situation from different angles.

Keep breathing. As you consider the various options, take a look at them. Don't judge them as good or bad. Just watch.

Keep breathing.

When you are ready, imagine yourself at the end of the outcome of each choice. Capture the feeling. Was it a tension in the stomach or an expansion in the heart?

Trust yourself, don't try to reason why you feel this way. Come back slowly. Keep breathing.

Now you know how you feel about the decisions you face. Write down your realizations as soon as possible while you are still in a meditative state.

Your heart always knows what is best for you.

Take your time, stay calm as long as you can. Focus on the choice that makes you feel the best. Act calmly, focus on the sense of expansion you have experienced, that you have overcome fear and doubt when you have to step into a real choice.

Your heart always knows what is best for you.

2. Act as if you have already made up your mind

Don't be nervous. You must first center your creature. If your energy is agitated, spread it out into hundreds of different thoughts and worries. The steps you take will only reflect this.

Every thought we have is a moment of creation in the universe. This is why the Law of Attraction requires focus! Focus is everything! Every decision or choice requires our energy, but how can we fix it if the energy we have is scattered all over our confused thoughts?

Center your energy first. Think from a quiet corner inside yourself, with what small step you can try a certain choice?

An example

"Recently I was very nervous about a new job. I went crazy for weeks deciding if I wanted to leave or stay, my old job was good and I was afraid of change. It wouldn't be a big decision for someone, but for me it represented a lot of things and a new beginning. The tension level was high. I was scared the whole time. After crying at 2am I just had to do something. I could no longer bear the situation of having to make a decision.

Focusing my energy as best I could, I went to the office and wrote my resignation letter. I was shaking with fear as I walked there, but as soon as it was done I felt a sense of relief, my breathing widened. I knew I had done the right thing. I wish I hadn't bothered so much and just done it sooner! I didn't know what I was going to do? Will the other job I find be as good? How will I conduct my work under different circumstances, etc.? There were a lot of things to figure out. But when I did, I felt in my heart - this is exactly what I wanted and needed. I felt calm, free, excited!”

It helped me get off the nervous merry-go-rounds and feel the balance and strength of the ground under my feet again.”

What step can you take now to test the decisions you are facing? The universe is waiting for you!

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