
You didn't lose certain people in your life, they lost you

Photo: Kristina Petrick / Unsplash

It has happened to everyone that some people simply stopped being a part of your life. Maybe friends or partners, but definitely people who once meant something to you. Those with whom you were close, but the relationship ended in a breakup.

When someone you loved very much is suddenly no longer a part of your everyday life, it can be very painful. You wonder what you did wrong, if there was anything else you could have done to stay. The truth is that you haven't lost the people who are no longer in your life, but they have lost you.

In various relationships, you have created a toxic connection. The need to keep them, to prove yourself to them and convince them that you are good for them. You grab the smallest straw of attention you can get and convince yourself that the relationship is still good.

After a while, however, this type of toxic relationship is no longer sustainable and quarrels and unpleasant words occur. You stay alone and blame yourself, thinking you could have lasted just a little longer.

It hurts, but move on. Photo: Anthony Tran/Unsplash

From the beginning, you are put in the position of the person who is less important and who should be happy that the other party decided to be with them in the first place.

You are funny, kind, gentle. Love sincerely, do not run away from the first problems. You deserve someone who will cherish every moment they spend with you, not someone who will constantly make you feel bad.

No matter how painful it is to be alone, you will find that you are better off without such people in your life.

And, because they gave you little, you lost little. And because they gave them everything, it means that they were left without everything.

Believe in karma, one day each of them will understand what they have done. They may never tell you. They may pretend it isn't the case or try their best to prove that they are fine without you. But deep down they'll know it's not like that and won't be able to look you in the eye.

You haven't lost anything, they have. Photo: Jon Ly/Unsplash

Don't bother with it. Keep living your life. Genuine, open, with lots of love.

Only then will you be able to realize that the relationship you were frantically trying to maintain wasn't so ideal after all, and that you're better off now that it's gone.

You will realize your worth and you will no longer accept relationships in which you are not respected and in which you do not receive as much love as you give.

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