
You don't miss your ex, but you long for the feeling of love

Think you miss him? No, you miss love.

You don't miss his hand - you miss the hand to hold. You don't miss his lips - you miss the lips he would love. You don't miss his shoulder to cry on - you miss someone who was there for you. You miss the love that will never leave you.

You miss someone to whom you would tell all your secrets and wishes, and he would only listen to you and trust you with his. You miss someone you can rely on. Someone who will be there when you need him. You don't need someone who will disappear and you won't even know why.

You don't feel lonely because he is no longer by your side. You don't know him anymore. Maybe you never were. You don't know this person anymore. You no longer know what his favorite color is. You don't know his routine anymore and you certainly don't know who he smiles at when he gets home. You no longer know the person you loved.

You can't miss someone you don't know anymore. Someone who became only a passing acquaintance. A ghost from the past. A memory. This emptiness you feel is not the result of the absence of someone you loved. It's just a feeling of the absence of love. A sense of closeness. You need someone by your side to whom you can tell your deepest fears. Someone who will comfort you, calm you down and be by your side. In fact, you miss someone who will like you, who you will be able to love again.

You can't miss someone you don't know anymore.

Your ex-partner is in the past. He is no longer the person you loved and you are no longer the same person you were when you were with him/her. People change minute by minute, day by day. Every day brings something new.

That person is no longer the person you want, because if you were, you wouldn't be your ex. You just yearn for love. You long for the feeling that you need someone and they need you. You long for someone to adore you.

And there's nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with longing for love. Just don't confuse this longing with longing for a love from the past.

You miss love. Not an ex-partner. You no longer know who he is or where he is. But you know very well what love is. A love that will always be in you and you know that another person can give it to you too - but not the one who left you.

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