
Do you feel unattractive? 7 ways to get rid of low self-esteem

Photo: Envato

In a world of retouched photos and advertisements for weight loss aids that are upon us at every turn, being happy with your body seems like an unattainable dream. But it doesn't have to be like that. Here are seven ways you can turn negative thoughts about your body around.

An increasing number of people look at their body through a prism weight loss culture. Unfortunately, for many, a slim figure is more important than health, which can cause problems both psychologically and physically. Do not forget: food is fuel, which you need to function normally and overcome challenges and no number on the scale it's not worth it of your malaise, let alone health problems.

Experts who study weight loss culture note that its messages, yes as we are, we are not good enough, we often internalize and begin to think negatively about ourselves and thus notice more and more imperfections on our body. If we are filled with negativity right from the start, we will focus on our shortcomings instead of our good qualities. Weight loss culture teaches us to strive for perfection, but perfection does NOT exist in real life. Instead of looking for what is wrong with us and our bodies, the right way is yes we accept ourselves as we are. Here are 7 ways to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

Food is the fuel you need to function normally Photo: Pablo Merchán Montes / Unsplash

1. Focus on good qualities

Thought: "I have such very thick thighs and the cellulite on them is horrible!" replace with "I have strong legs that take me wherever I need to go, and cellulite is a completely normal thing and everyone has it!"
Your body is doing everything it can to function well on the way to new victories. It keeps you healthy, heals your wounds, makes sure you reach your goals. Don't hate him back, instead fall in love - so with nice thoughts as well as to that you are not starving with untested diets.

2. Instead of appearance, put health first

Thought: "I have to go on a diet!" replace with: "Who says I have to go on a diet? I have to treat my body with respect and take care of it.”
Instead of dieting, focus on as much as possible healthy lifestyle, filled with carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and all other things that the body needs for normal functioning. Take up sports because you want to feel better, not because you want to achieve perfection. A healthy lifestyle can also be achieved against short-term diets greater success in the long run. If you live a healthy life, it will become a habit and you will easily maintain a beautiful figure. After untested diets, you will feel hungry and in many cases you will return to your old ways.

He takes up the sport for his health and not for perfection Photo: Bruce Mars / Unsplash

3. Remember what your body has accomplished

Thought: "I hate my saggy breasts." replace with: "My breasts look like the breasts of a woman after childbirth and breastfeeding."
Many women face low self-esteem after having a baby as their body changes. But remember how much strongly it was your body to bring a new creature into the world and take care of its health. He deserves something like that thank you and not pejorative.

4. Talk to yourself like a friend

Thought: "I've gained weight and I look disgusting." replace with: "I would never say that to my friend, I love her no matter what she looks like. I have to look at myself that way too."
One very successful self-esteem trick is to imagine every thought you direct towards yourself as something you would she said to her friend. You will surely stop - you would never insult your friend like that. And not only that, hers you don't even notice the flaws, because you love her the way she is because of her personalities and good qualities. And you deserve the same love.

Talk to yourself like a friend Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

5. Accept that bad thoughts are human and don't act on their impulses

Thought: "I feel fat." replace with: "No one is happy with their body every second of every day and that's okay."
We all have moments when we don't feel good in our own skin. It is completely humanly, so there's nothing wrong with that. It is wrong, however, if we continue with such thoughts and decide on an unhealthy diet because of them. When you feel such thoughts attacking you, it is best to yes you get distracted - with work that will lead you to your goals, a conversation with a friend, a sporting activity...

6. Don't let the number on the scale affect how you feel

Thought: "I'm horrified at how much I weigh!" replace with: "The number on the scale is just a number and doesn't say anything about me as a person."
Don't allow it numbers on the scale, to ruin your day. Not only that at all no shows real pictures, how your body looks (someone has more kilos because of more muscle mass...) doesn't say anything about you as a person. Instead of letting your self-esteem depend on an insignificant number, focus on what have you achieved?, how you treat your fellow man and you have already helped everyone, what talents do you have … These are the things that describe you, not what the scale tells you.

Don't let the number on the scale affect how you feel Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

7. Focus your thoughts on the bright spots in your life

Thought: "If I lost weight, my life would be much better." replace with: "My life is filled with many bright spots and I try to be closer to my goals every day."
If we focus on all that we lack, we will not notice what we are capable of grateful. Instead of being in a bad mood because of what you perceive as a shortcoming, think about what you have already succeeded in and focus your thoughts on achieving what is yet to come. Of course, this can also be a beautiful figure, but make sure that it is your path to it healthy.

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