
Proven: cat owners are more intelligent than others!

What pet do you have at home? Is it a puppy, is it a cat or something more exotic? Although dogs still hold the position of man's best friend, a cat can reveal very interesting facts about its owner.

As you probably already know, cats are supposed to help reduce stress, it should be easier to overcome problems and also easier to face loss. Studies they are also supposed to prove that they are people who have cats more sensitive and creative, and those who have dogs are said to be more sociable and extroverted. However, researchers have noticed another feature in people with cats - despite their sensitivity, these people are said to know how to stand up for themselves and their interests and should know how to defend their positions.

Certainly the most interesting trait they observed was related to intelligence - this one study has shown that it should people, which have cats score higher when measuring logical reasoning ability, i.e. with "general" intelligence.

Whether you're a cat person or a dog person, a fish person or a snake person - what's important is that you are connected to your pet. These furry (or scaly) friends are always by your side and you they accept such, as you are.

What do you have at home? Dog or cat? Can you link to the survey results?

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