The perfect cup of coffee is a very subjective and personal thing, but to make your coffee even better, follow these proper preparation methods brought by scientists straight from the laboratory.
How to make a good cup of coffee? There are countless tips, but there should be one correct … and it has to do with water temperature.
The scientists were again hardworking, as they are in research on the influence of the temperature of the coffee when it is consumed on the content of the drink itself analyzed 36 different flavors of coffee, who were ready to different temperatures, made with different types of grains and were enjoyed at different temperatures.
Turns out it is water temperature is key, it is drinking hot coffee, as they note, a big NO. As a rule, the temperature of the coffee should be 70 degrees Celsius, if you drink Arabic coffee shop. For those you love robust, it better be the temperature is even lower. Drinking coffee at 50 to 60 degrees Celsius creates richer and more intense flavors. But that should not be all.
As they write, there are many other factors that they can improve the taste: grinding, grain freshness and ratio between coffee and water and water quality. Even the temperature at which you prepare the coffee can affect the taste. The higher the temperature, the more of delicious coffee compounds you extract, the scientists write.
Coffee lovers can follow the instructions of the scientists and maybe it becomes just that recipe the sacred rule for making the most delicious cup of coffee.
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