
"You inspire me" and 11 other phrases that give love even more meaning

Love is one of the most complex and powerful emotions in the entire world. Without it, we would not know the definition of true happiness and would feel disconnected from our true selves and feelings. Every love story is special, unique and beautiful and makes life more colorful and meaningful.

The people you love inspire you to be the best version of yourself, share joy and tears with you, protect you and never give up on you no matter what. You often take them for granted and forget to shower them with love and respect. Or maybe you just don't know how to express yourself and put your feelings into words.

In front of you are sentences and different ways to say "I love you", which perfectly sum up the word love.

1. "You inspire me."

When the person you are meant to be with walks into your life, your world is no longer the same. It becomes brighter, more colorful and exciting. The person inspires you to wake up in the morning and think about how to become an even better version of yourself. Stop settling for mediocrity. Whenever you think of giving up, this person convinces you that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

2. "I will always be there for you, no matter what."

In any obstacle, hardship or any other challenge in life, you want the person to know that you will always be there for them, no matter what. That you will share her joy and tears with her. Whenever she feels lonely or hurt, you will hug her, listen carefully and help her find a solution. You want him to know that he can always count on you, no matter the situation. You'll always have her back because you know she'll have yours too.

3. "I am a better person because of you."

Since you met this person, your life has improved significantly. Her presence and efforts have made you a better person because she knows the right ways to pick you up when you are down or whenever needed. It is your set of positive affirmations, your greatest source of love and personal growth. It inspires you to be better in all aspects of life. She made you the person you always wanted to be, and you will do everything in your power to help her become the best version of herself.

4. "I love you the way you are."/ "I love you the way you are."

When you first saw her/him, you knew you were going to fall in love with her/his every craziness, flaw, and imperfection. The things that make that person really special and you want them to know that you don't want them to change anything about themselves because you love them exactly the way they are. You are inspired and admire her strength to maintain a positive mindset even in the darkest moments. Do you like the way he has his favorite snacks, how he whispers in your ear the words: "I love you." Love her as she loves you.

5. “I appreciate you.”

Maybe you don't say this to the atheist person often, but he knows that you appreciate him and everything he has done for you so far. Appreciate her efforts to always make you feel special and never let you down with anything. Appreciate the way she loves you selflessly and wholeheartedly. Without her support, we would not be what we are today. Appreciate all the little things he does every day that mean a lot to you.

6. "I trust you from the bottom of my heart."

Don't be afraid to tell this person all your secrets or share your fears and dreams with them. And you know why? Because you trust her with all your heart. Trust is a major aspect of any relationship and you want her to know that you are giving her your heart, your full attention and your commitment. And you trust her to continue to do the same for you.

7. "You make me happy."

Her smile, her eyes, her mindset, her whims, her personality and all other beautiful things of the person who is with you make you the happiest person in the world. He always knows how to make you smile when you really need it. You are grateful to her for her positivity and for teaching you what it really means to love yourself and her. You are grateful to her because she always believes in you and is there for you when no one else is. You want her to know that you will do your best to make her happy today and in the days to come.

8. "I miss you when you're not by my side."

Every time you are apart, you miss that person so much that it feels like they took half of your body and mind with them. You miss her smell, her smile, everything. Whenever something happens to you (good or bad), you can't wait to share it with her because she is the only person who can really listen to you and fully understand you. You're grateful for it, and that person knows you miss them, even if you're too busy to tell them. And you know she misses you too.

9. "You are my best friend." / “You're my best friend.”

Of all the romantic words and messages, your favorite is to call that person. In her you found your partner in crime, your best friend and your lover/lover all rolled into one. You like that you can share everything with her without fear that she will judge you or misunderstand you. You also love the fact that one moment they can act like mischievous children, and the next they are passionate lovers. Having a best friend and partner in one is one of the best things that can happen in your life.

10. "I love the memories I share with you."

When you fall in love with someone unexpectedly, it's the most beautiful kind of love. You love creating unforgettable memories. Memories that will hold a special place in your heart. With it you try new things, visit new places or just sit and do nothing special. All the memories are priceless and look forward to your new adventures in the future.

11. "I don't care about anyone else, only you make me feel complete."

She is your best friend. He is the person who knows all your fears, dreams and weaknesses. He knows exactly what drives you crazy and all the little things that can make your day. When you are with her, you feel like you are one; one soul inhabiting two bodies.

12. "I feel safe with you."

You always feel safe around this person because you know they wouldn't let anything bad happen to you. That she will protect you from all negativity, as you protect her. When he hugs you, you feel at home. If we had to choose a place to stay forever, we would choose her arms. Your love is endless.

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