
Are you constantly falling in love with the wrong people? There is a type of personality to whom this happens more often

No one voluntarily and knowingly chooses a bad partner.

Finding out who is responsible for bad relationship between two people, it is similar to insurance that assigns fault after a traffic accident - all participants bear at least some responsibility for the accident, they write on Psychology Today. This suggests that you may be part of the problem, even though you seem to be doing everything right. Being in love is undoubtedly a good feeling, so it's no wonder you're looking for that feeling.

While this all sounds romantic, you may have hemophilia – the tendency to fall in love too quickly, too easily and too often. This can lead you to make bad choices.

When choosing a partner, one of the worst decisions is made by people with three callous, manipulative personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy, known as the dark triad. When you first meet a person with these traits, it doesn't seem negative at all. In fact, such people are mostly initially quite attractive for their own sake charisma, charm, confidence and sociability.

These three characteristics are not on the list of desirable partner qualities, and for a reason. Research shows that such partners they often cheat. Clearly, these are partners that most want to avoid, especially if you're looking for a long-term partner. Those who fall in love easily and quickly may not even notice it.

Hemophilia means that you fall in love too quickly, too easily and too often.

What you need to know about the Dark Triad?

People with these traits are more prone than others to crime and problems at work. They are especially dangerous if they are in leadership positions. They are not compassionate, empathetic, they do not cooperate with anyone, they are not satisfied with their lives and they do not trust others.

For narcissism it is characterized by pride, lack of empathy, sensitivity and selfishness. The latter should not be confused with egoism, which is characterized by a person placing himself at the center of the world. She thinks she is intellectually, physically or socially superior to others. It emphasizes its importance, because others do not know how to recognize and praise it. Egoists are extremely sensitive to criticism, to which they most often react with anger.

For Machiavellianism they are characterized by manipulation and exploitation of others, lack of morals, emotional sensitivity and excessive self-concern.

Psychopathy can be identified by persistent antisocial behavior, impulsiveness, selfishness and insensitivity to others, lack of emotion and remorse.

Hemophiliacs, on the other hand, are looking for love, not the right person. In research observed 267 men and women who had the characteristics of hemophilia and fell in love too easily and too quickly. They wanted to know how attracted they were to partners with manipulative personality traits. Consistent with their hypotheses, those with higher emotionality showed a greater tendency toward potential partners with high narcissism and psychopathy.

If you are aiming for a long-term relationship, partners with these personality traits are not the best choice and should be avoided. After all, if you don't want to fall in love with the wrong person, maybe it's best not to fall in love too quickly, but slowly.

There is nothing wrong with wanting love. But if your priority is falling in love rather than finding the right person, then it's easy to make a mistake, they point out researchers.

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