
Did you know: you should wash your pajamas this often!

We find it completely understandable to wash socks and underwear after one wear. While opinions on how often to change pajamas are completely divided.

We usually put on our pajamas after taking an evening shower, and we don't even think about the sweat, dead skin cells, bacteria and body care products that accumulate in them during the night. For health and hygiene reasons, experts from Mayo Clinic and American Institute they recommend changing it daily.

Dust mites and dust in pajamas are a common cause of worsening allergies.
Photo: Unsplash

Sweat and odors

Due to the fact that pajamas absorb sweat all night long, after the first night, bacteria develop in them, which cause unpleasant odors.


Most of us already have staph bacteria on our skin. If we do not take care of our personal hygiene and do not change our pajamas regularly, bacteria in the fabric multiply, which leads to various skin inflammations.

Skin problems

Pimples and warts are contagious and always appear in the most inconvenient places. Bacteria found in pajamas invade the skin through ingrown hairs or cuts. The possibility of inflammation of the pores increases, which leads to various infections from which pimples, warts and even cysts develop.

Dust mites

Microorganisms and dust can be a common reason for constant colds, breathing problems and worsening allergies. Mites feed on dead skin, which is most abundant in beds and pyjamas.

If you happen to forget to change your pajamas every day, it is at least recommended that you take them off immediately in the morning and ventilate them well so that sweat, bacteria and skin oils do not soak into the fabric.

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