
Do you know your darkest side, according to your astrological sign?

We all hide darkness inside us - but it's good to recognize it!

Photo: Sammy Williams / Unsplah

Astrology is interesting! This time we looked at which dark sides each astrological sign hides!

It is clear that all people have their good and bad qualities. And astrologers have listed some characteristics of each sign that are quite brutal and raw, but we can, if we know we turn it into something good.

So what's the worst thing about each sign and how can you change it for the better?


Aries are supposed to be narcissists. How can this help them? They know how to protect themselves! They have a survival instinct. And even though they sometimes seem selfish, she keeps them alive and happy.


Tauruses are said to be lazy, indifferent and unreasonably chaotic! How could you find anything positive here. They understand that some things are truly meaningless, and that in most cases they bring chaos to life. They escape the chaos by putting themselves in a superzen state.

Bulls are supposed to be lazy.
Bulls are supposed to be lazy.


Geminis are said to be cold and uncommunicative. How can that be a positive thing? If we never come out of our shell, it can make us even more confident. We may not really want to share ourselves with everyone around us, but that means we have more of ourselves… to ourselves.


Cancers are said to lack some sense of forgiveness, and hold grudges and hatred like a drunkard. How can that be a good thing? This shows that Cancer's trust has to be earned, and they are really careful when meeting new people. This is how they preserve themselves.


Leos are supposed to be big, big egomaniacs! How could this benefit them? Ego is not always a bad thing: it allows us to be strong when we need to be and to be fearless, which can get us into trouble, but also get us out of it.

Leos are supposed to be big, big egomaniacs!
Leos are supposed to be big, big egomaniacs!

A virgin

Virgos are supposed to be strict judges of all things and all people. How can that be good? They overestimate and select the people around them well, and they always trust their judgment. In the long run, they can be considered "monsters", but in reality they just don't want people and things in their lives that make everything difficult.


Libras are said to be the biggest pathological liars. And why could that be a good thing? It gives them the feeling that others believe them, which gives them additional self-confidence. Be careful not to hurt people with your lies, because otherwise there is nothing, absolutely nothing good in it!


Scorpios are said to be sadists and manipulators. And how could they ever miss it? Scorpios are known for getting what they want, which is admirable at times. They are strong and sometimes cruel... but in the end they have the most of it.

Scorpios are said to be sadists and manipulators.
Scorpios are said to be sadists and manipulators.


Shooters are often supposed to be impossible, simply impossible. Where is the good here? Since they never appear where there is no use for them, this is a kind of advantage for them. When they are alone, they are happy with themselves!


Capricorns are said to be mean and introspective. How could this benefit them? They exploit this by getting what they want from others. People are afraid of their poisonous language, so they prefer to stay away from them. In addition, Capricorns even like to hear that they are not exactly the friendliest creatures in this world.


Aquarians are said to be cold egoists. How can they survive with such a bad habit? They "hoard" everything they can, so they feel like they have a lot of things, which are actually just a few selfishly grabbed crumbs. But they don't notice it... and they are happy.

Aquarians are said to be cold egoists.
Aquarians are said to be cold egoists.


Pisces are said to be overly sensitive and get on everyone's nerves. What do they do to make something good out of it? They use this to get on people's nerves, just to shut them up and give them what the fish need at some point.

You might find yourself in it, you might not. We believe so personality is made up of much more than stellar DNA, and that at the end of the day we can be quite different from how astrologers describe us! 🙂

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