
You learn these 7 pieces of wisdom when you give birth to your first child!

Motherhood is one of the most beautiful feelings in the world for every woman, but also a great challenge. With the arrival of a little creature, our lives and priorities change completely, and at the same time we become wiser.

When you give birth to your first child, you become wiser and look at life differently. What 7 pieces of wisdom do you learn when your first child comes into the world?

Don't feel guilty if you don't breastfeed.

A baby can be healthy and strong even if you feed it with formula milk. Everything will be fine, as long as the child is full.

Sleep when your baby sleeps.

This will save you from a nervous breakdown. Forget about social networks, about everything that is happening in the world and about whether you have replied to a message or an SMS. Bring your mind and your body back to the present and rest.

Sleep when your baby sleeps.
Sleep when your baby sleeps.

Don't obsess about the pounds.

Maybe you will lose the pregnancy weight after three months, maybe after a year. You will surely find your balance after some time, but don't worry about when that will be.

Be patient with your first child when you are pregnant with your second.

Your first child already knows that he will have the role of big brother/big sister, and you know that you will be someone else's mother. The first child will be full of love, angry, sad, confused - maybe all in one day. Continue to explain to your child how special he is and find time for just the two of you, even if it's just 5 minutes a day.

Be patient with your first child when you are pregnant with your second.
Be patient with your first child when you are pregnant with your second.

Be patient with your partner.

Just like you, your partner has to accept a new member of the family, he will also not sleep, he will also be nervous and he will also be full of questions about how to deal with the baby. So be patient with him too.

Know that the people around you will be full of advice on raising a child.

Some advice will be just noise, others you will completely ignore. Everyone thinks in their own way. As long as your child is safe, fed, healthy and loved, you are doing everything right!

Know that the people around you will be full of advice on raising a child.
Know that the people around you will be full of advice on raising a child.

You won't know who you are for a while.

You will need some time to come back to yourself, and in that time you will become wiser, more loving and have more abilities. Love yourself and your family, and consider how amazing your life can change in this way!

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