
You stay in this hotel for free if you give up your phone

Who wouldn't want to stay in a hotel room during their vacation that costs absolutely nothing? The only condition to avoid paying is that you forget your mobile phone during your stay.

Web page Hotel Designs notes that it is number of social network users in the year 2018 ascended to 3.196 billion. Compared to the year 2017 is much bigger 13 %, which means that it may continue to increase in the future.

People like to post photos taken while on vacation on social media, such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and Instagram. Z modern addiction will help you to face the hotel located in the Swedish city in a very interesting way Gothenburg.

room"The Check Out Suite” can be found in the hotel Bellora, which is rated four stars. It is designed to provide guests with complete relaxation, which is only possible at the absence of the Internet world. The staff wants you to spend valuable time with loved ones instead of staring at your mobile phone screen.

Room number 108 is already waiting for you.
Room number 108 is already waiting for you.

The room contains Skärmfri smart light, which measures how much time guests spend on smartphone apps. They will have to connect to it over the network Wi-Fi. It also depends on it the price of a hotel stay.

The light will be in white color lights until the time when the guests will cross 30 minutes of internet use. After this time, it will start to glow Red. She will inform them that they will have to pay for the accommodation full price. If they do not connect to the Internet during their stay, it will be theirs stay free of charge.

The light will turn red after 30 minutes of internet usage.
The light will turn red after 30 minutes of internet usage.

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