
You taught her how to stop loving you

Did you tell her you love her? Have you told her you miss her when she's not around?

Don't be surprised because you will no longer be the person she calls when something bad or perfect happens to her. You taught her that you will never be there for her when she needs you. You taught her to rely on someone else.

You don't listen to her. You can't remember all the little things she told you. You never asked her about her feelings, how she feels. Does he need you?

Don't be surprised when you find that she starts planning the times when you are not around. You are no longer in her plans because you told her "no" too many times. You taught her to plan her future without you because you let her know that you would rather be alone than with her. You didn't want to see life, love, through her eyes.

Don't be surprised to find that she no longer misses you when you're not with her. You taught her not to miss you. You made her feel like you never miss her. She never felt her absence affect you. You never told her you miss her. You never told her you loved her.

Did you tell her you love her? Have you told her you miss her when she's not around?
Did you tell her you love her? Have you told her you miss her when she's not around?

Don't be surprised when she starts ignoring you, as you ignored her throughout your relationship. She will ignore your messages and calls. She was the one whose schedule was always adjusted to your needs. You never got to know her needs. She was the one who always fought for you and your relationship. Until she finally realized that she was giving herself to someone who didn't care about her.

Don't be surprised to see him leave. She slowly started to remember who she was before she met you. What he deserves. She opened her eyes and realized you were taking her for granted. She realized that she deserved someone who would never make her feel invisible.

Don't be surprised when her passion turns to ice. Don't be surprised when her gentle words turn bitter. And when she looks at you, you won't see anything in her eyes. She will see through you - you taught her how to stop loving you.

Don't be surprised when she leaves because you never gave her a reason to stay.

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