
You too will be putting aluminum foil on your doorknob when you hear about this trick!

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Photo: envato elements

Did you know that ordinary aluminum foil can become your first line of defense against burglars? This simple yet effective method, which has gained popularity recently, may change the way you look at everyday household items. Read on to find out how!

Recently, an interesting trend has emerged in home security. People are starting to wrap aluminum foil on the outside handles of their doors. Why? The reason is surprisingly simple and ingenious. Aluminum foil can serve as an indicator of whether someone has tried to enter your home. The reality is that most burglaries happen during the day when people are at work or out of their homes. This is particularly worrying as around a third of burglaries happen when people are at home. So use aluminum foil!

How It Works? When you leave home or go to bed, simply wrap the foil around the outside hook. It is important not to crumple the foil too much. When you get home or wake up, check the foil. If it is crumpled or damaged, it may mean that someone tried to open the door. In addition to serving as a warning system, the foil can deter potential burglars who may decide to retreat due to the unusual appearance of your door.

This simple yet effective method is not only easy to use, but also extremely inexpensive. In addition to serving as a potential deterrent to burglars, aluminum foil can also serve as a way to keep you informed of potential burglary attempts. However, we must not forget that aluminum foil cannot replace other security measures, such as alarm systems and security cameras.

At a time when the security of our homes is increasingly important, it is worth considering all available methods for protection. Although it may seem simple to use aluminum foil on the handles, this very simplicity can be the key to added security. Give it a try - you might be surprised at how effective this method is! So use aluminum foil!

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