
Want to forgive cheating? Then you have to do these two things to make love stable

If you decide to forgive your partner for adultery, you must first realize that cheating is not always a sign that the person no longer loves you. Also, you need to stop playing the victim.

A lot of people just can't let go of cheating, but there are those who will do anything to try to save a relationship or marriage. If you are among them, you have a difficult task ahead of you!

Want to forgive cheating? Then you need to do these two things to make love stable:

You must understand that an affair is not always a sign of a bad relationship

People cheat for many reasons, but research shows that many affairs happen on purpose, to fulfill certain sexual fantasies. The problem arises when the partners suppress their dissatisfaction and instead of discussing it openly, they solve the matter in a way that will hurt the other person. This does not mean that the relationship is bad, but it is honest communication is lacking. It is important to get over the feeling of discomfort or fear that the other person will not understand our needs and talk. Both partners must be able to listen without judgment!

It is important to find the cause of the fraud and not to play "victim" and "perpetrator".
It is important to find the cause of the fraud and not to play "victim" and "perpetrator".

You must avoid playing "perpetrator" and "victim"

The moment a fraud occurs, the person who committed it automatically takes on the role of "perpetrator", and the cheated person the role of "victim". This is a completely normal relationship dynamic right now, especially if you have decided to end the relationship or break up because of it. But if you want to save your love relationship despite the affair, then you should avoid playing these roles, as this does not bring anything good in the long run. It's normal to feel the urge to preach to your partner because he/she cheated on you, but the moment you decided to forgive the adultery, constant reminders of mistakes make this much more difficult. Focus on finding the cause of the deception and try to re-establish a relationship in which you both trust each other.

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