
Do you want a new job? We suggest that you submit your application at this exact time

Do you want to secure a new job? We suggest that you submit your application at this exact time.

Are you having no luck looking for a new job lately? The reasons for this may be hidden in details that you certainly did not even think about. Sometimes even a good cover letter will not be enough to earn you an interview.

Believe it or not, in a survey conducted by the company Job Today, it turned out that success in applying for a job is also affected time of submitted application.

The researchers, who obtained data for the period between April and June of this year, found that you will increase your chances of employment if you apply for a job in Wednesday at 9 am.

What 47 % of the studied people who sent their job application on Wednesday, 24 hours earned an interview. At the same time, it turned out that more than 17 % employers job ads are published on Wednesday.

With any luck, the job will be yours.
With any luck, the job will be yours.

Co-founder of the Job Today agency Polina Montana she advised job seekers to start check the ads already in the morning, when their rivals are most likely still lounging around.

You need to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the job.
You need to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the job.

The study also showed that young people in old age up to 25 years they do not pay much attention to the location of the work. Only 3 % of respondents believes that the distance of work from home is an important factor when looking for a job. Instead, they focus primarily on position offered.

A successful career requires a lot of giving up.
A successful career requires a lot of giving up.

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