
You will be shocked! These are the devices that double your electricity bill!

Discover how you can save a mountain of money by replacing your old appliances

račun za elektriko
Photo: enavto elements

In this article, we reveal how you can reduce your monthly electricity bill by a good half with small changes and smart choices! We dispel the myth that saving energy has to be complicated and boring! And that sometimes by following the trends it is possible to save more than half of the electricity bill.

Have you ever wondered why they are yours? electricity bills so high, even though you're sure you're not spending too much? Maybe it's time to confront the energy vampires in your home – no, they're not little green men, but your everyday devices that silently sip your precious electricity. And no, the solution is not to return to the stone age, but to make smart choices and small changes.

Heating and cooling: The biggest consumer and the biggest saving

Heating and cooling account for almost half of the average household's electricity consumption. With a smart thermostat that learns your schedule and automatically adjusts temperatures, you can save up to 10-12% annually. This can mean hundreds of euros in savings per year! This is where the biggest differences can be made. For transitional periods, consider fans that will help you use the air conditioner later. In winter, however, a smart thermostat using artificial intelligence and various data, including data on the outside temperature, will manage to work with your heating system. In transitional periods, you can use an air conditioner for heating, as it is more energy efficient than a traditional wood stove.

The old fridge vs. the new energy champion, your AS for the electricity bill

Photo: envato elements

Replacing a 10-year-old refrigerator with a new, energy-efficient model can save up to 50% in electricity consumption for that consumer. Look for ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators (or other certifications) that are the most efficient on the market. Your old refrigerator can consume up to 50% more electricity per year than its more modern, more economical successor. It is really wise to replace the refrigerator right away, as it is considered one of the biggest consumers in the household.

In 2023, the energy efficiency of refrigerators reached significantly higher standards compared to those of 2013. It is important to note that energy efficiency is measured in energy classes that change over time. In 2013, energy class A+, A++ or A+++ refrigerators were common, while in 2023 energy efficiency standards are stricter, which means that refrigerators of the same size use significantly less energy.

In comparison, an A+ refrigerator from 2013 could have an annual energy consumption of about 300 kWh (kilowatt hours), while a modern, highly efficient refrigerator from 2023 could have an annual energy consumption of around 100-150 kWh, depending on the model and exact specifications. This means that new models can use up to 50-70% less power compared to older models.

In addition, modern refrigerators often include advanced technologies such as better insulation, more efficient compressors, and smart temperature management systems that further reduce energy consumption.

When buying a new refrigerator, it is important to consider the energy label and choose a model with the highest possible energy class, which not only reduces the impact on the environment, but also allows savings in electricity costs.

Household appliances: Small steps for big, or rather huge, savings

Washers and dryers, TVs, game consoles – even though they don't use much individually, their combined consumption can put a big strain on your bill. By using cold water when washing and switching off the devices when they are not in use - i.e. when they are in stand by - you can save a significant amount. Imagine saving up for an annual subscription to your favorite streaming service by unplugging your TV.

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Let's look at some quick tips to reduce your electricity bill:

Photo: envato elements
Using an average electricity price of €0.20 per kWh, the annual cost of a gaming console remaining on standby is approximately €26.28, which shows the importance of turning off devices for additional savings.

In the modern household, we often do not realize how small changes in the use of our everyday devices can contribute to significant savings, both in terms of financial resources and in reducing the impact on the environment. Take for example smart thermostats, which are no longer just temperature control devices, but can also serve as a hub for managing energy consumption in our homes. With their help, we can automate turning off devices such as the TV when they are not in use. If we assume that a typical TV left on when not being watched uses around 0.1 kWh per hour, this means that by automatically turning off the TV for 10 hours a day, you could save up to 365 kWh of energy annually. Taking into account the average price of electricity, which is €0.20 per kWh, this could mean an annual saving of around €73. In addition, similar measures can be used to save on other appliances, such as washers and dryers, game consoles and computer equipment. For example, using cold water for washing can reduce energy consumption by more than half, as heating water is one of the most energy-consuming tasks in the household. Also, regular cleaning of the dryer's debris filter can improve its efficiency and reduce drying time. As for game consoles, they can consume up to 100 W per hour, so it is recommended to turn them off when not in use. The same goes for computers and their accessories – turning them off or going to sleep when not in use can significantly reduce power consumption. Together, these seemingly small changes can add up to significant savings, not only in terms of reduced monthly costs, but also in reducing our carbon footprint, which is vital to preserving our planet for future generations. This approach shows how modern technology and the thoughtful use of energy can bring benefits to both individuals and the entire environment, thereby contributing to a sustainable way of life.

  • Washing machine: Using cold water can reduce energy consumption by 50% or more per wash, as heating water is energy intensive.
  • Dryer: Cleaning the debris filter after each use can improve efficiency and reduce drying time.
  • Gaming consoles: These can use up to 100W per hour, so turn them off when not in use.
  • Computers and accessories: Shutting down or going to sleep when not in use can significantly reduce power consumption.

Smart thermostats that will save at least for all streaming video platforms annually

Amazon Smart Plug (WLAN-Steckdose), funktioniert mit...
Amazon Smart Plug (WLAN Socket), funktioniert mit...
Amazon Smart Plug funktioniert mit Alexa — steuern Sie jede Steckdose mit ihrer Stimme.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug WiFi Steckdose (Kontrolle des...
Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug WiFi Socket (Control des...
The MI Smart Plug (WIFI) can be connected directly to your WLAN without the base station
22,95 EUR

Last updated 2025-03-18 / Affiliate links / Photo source: Amazon Product Advertising API

Attention:the investment in a smart thermostat is paid back in 4 months in the form of energy savings.

Vampires on standby

Standby devices such as chargers, TVs and computers still use power even when not in use. This can represent up to 25% of household energy use. The solution? Smart splitters that allow you to turn off multiple devices at once with one click.

Smart thermostats that will save at least for all streaming video platforms annually

Amazon Smart Plug (WLAN-Steckdose), funktioniert mit...
Amazon Smart Plug (WLAN Socket), funktioniert mit...
Amazon Smart Plug funktioniert mit Alexa — steuern Sie jede Steckdose mit ihrer Stimme.
Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug WiFi Steckdose (Kontrolle des...
Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug WiFi Socket (Control des...
The MI Smart Plug (WIFI) can be connected directly to your WLAN without the base station
22,95 EUR

Last updated 2025-03-18 / Affiliate links / Photo source: Amazon Product Advertising API

Light that doesn't strain your wallet
Replacing old light bulbs with LED lamps can bring up to 75% savings in electricity consumption and up to 25% reduction in total lighting costs. It's like someone giving you a whole bag of LED bulbs every year!

Conclusion: Small steps - more than half the savings!

Saving energy is not only good for your wallet, but also good for the planet. With a few smart changes and choices, you can make a big impact on your annual expenses while contributing to a greener, more sustainable world. So why not start today?

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