
You'll have fun too: 3+ ideas for what to do with kids this summer

You'll have fun too: 3+ ideas for what to do with kids this summer

School is finally out and the kids can do mischief for two long months. And whether they need guidance not to screw up something naughty or encouragement not to waste too much free time on the computer, the holiday season is extra work for parents. Because we want to relieve you at least a little, we have found ideas for what to do with children in the summer.

Summer holidays are a long-awaited period for children, but for parents they sometimes mean a burden - on the one hand, children are needed to limit, that they don't do too much nonsense, on the other hand, they are still needed animate and encourage, that they are active. And all too often, that balance is difficult to strike.
Even if parenting is a tough nut to crack, it also requires a lot of time, there are ways to "go with the kids" in the summer and provide them with a vacation, that will be remembered. And you will enjoy it too!

3+ ideas for what to do with children in the summer:

Camp in the garden.

Summer is the time for camping. And you don't have to go to the other side of the country to experience it. It will be a great adventure for children to set up a tent right in their own garden. when it gets dark turn on the lights and snuggle up with your kids in a sleeping bag.

Make up a board game.

Use empty cereal boxes and other "useless" things on hand and have the children let them invent their own board game. Also offer them crayons, glue, scissors, wool, glitter, crayons, stickers and encourage them to they leave it to their imaginations.

Children are a treasure trove of ideas!
Children are a treasure trove of ideas!

Prepare treats.

It's true that the holidays are in full swing, but that doesn't mean you don't need to prepare a packed lunch. Instead of kids spending time on smart devices, take them with with you on a hike, to the city or to rest in a nearby park, but always take it with you food, which you prepared together with them.
It depends on where you're going write a list of things, which children should pay attention to on the way - consider special animals, trees, spider webs...

Get them excited about gardening.

Get your kids excited about gardening and you'll kill three birds with one stone - the kids will have fun, spend their free time in a healthy way, and they'll also tidy up your garden.
Plant a garden with a variety of herbs. This is one of the easiest ways to teach your children how to care for a 'living thing'. What's more, they'll be proud to know they're raising something. To make this task easier for them, plant different herbs such as basil, lavender, peppermint...

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