
Young & "cool" - new-age moms on Instagram

Generation Y is growing up and thus entering the stages of adulthood and facing all the responsibilities that come with it. Every day more and more of our friends decide to settle down and start a family. The face of motherhood has taken over this generation and modern moms have their own style of raising children that is slightly different from their parents. See how they are raising new-age moms who are tech-savvy, open-minded, and protective.

Modern mothers have their own way of raising children - regardless of whether they share selfies of themselves and kids on social media, planning the perfect Pinterest-inspired baby shower, dominating the mommy blogging scene, or simply encouraging their little ones to see the world from a different perspective—these new-age moms are going to raise quite a few amazing kids.

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In the gallery, see the way of raising modern mothers who do it differently than we are used to.

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