Photo: envato

Your date of birth reveals who you were in a previous life

The date of birth is much more than just the date we celebrate our birthday. It is a day that largely determines our future.

We present to you an interesting interpretation of the date of your birth. Check for yourself what you could have been in a past life based on your date of birth.

1. Born between July 14 and 28, September 23 and 27 and October 3 and 17

In a past life, you were a spiritual teacher with a big heart

You impressed people with your charm and intelligence. You were influential. You have always been on the side of the weak. You were a true leader and teacher of the people, almost a messiah.

Today you don't like being alone and you help people in need. You are not a very social person, sometimes you are even eccentric. You know very well what you want in this life and how to achieve it. In love, you operate from your mind and logic, not your heart.

2. Born between January 22 and 31 and September 8 and 22

In a past life you were a traveling artist

You were a person with a very vivid imagination, you were funny. You have always been the center of attention. You have had many lovers.


You are sensitive in this life, but you don't show your feelings easily. You are still attracted to adventure, but now you are tied to one place and one person. You have a sharp and penetrating mind in this life and there is no problem you cannot solve.

3. Born between July 29 and August 11 and October 30 and November 7

In a past life, you were an outspoken defender of justice

Your strength was tact and coolness. You have planned well and chosen your goals wisely. Besides, you were a good speaker and writer.

In this life, you are a very honest and direct person and despise any form of violence. You love humanitarian activities and helping the sick and weak. However, you often lack confidence and sometimes underestimate your abilities. You are a very sensitive person in love, you dedicate your whole being to love.

4. Born between January 8 and 21 and February 1 and 11

In a past life you were a bandit of the people

You were born into a poor family, and as a result you learned early on that the world is divided into rich and poor.


You are still an idealist today, but more cautious than before. You will think twice first and only then react. You open your heart only to those friends who have proven that they deserve it. You are demanding in love and dream of experiencing it with your body and soul.

5. Born between March 1 and 10 and November 27 and December 18

You were a king in a past life

You had a proud and ambitious personality and great intelligence. You managed to climb even to the royal throne, you became the ruler of a great empire. You ruled with strictness and discipline.

In this life, you do not like to be commanded and led by others. Love your freedom and try to keep it. You are a great individualist. You are also selfish in love and all your love relationships are short-lived.

6. Born between February 12 and 29 and August 20 and 31

You were a great king and ruler in your past life

You never liked violence. Everything you did was tactful and gentle and you managed to win many hearts. But very often you had problems because of the jealousy of your opponents.


Today, you are a very sensitive person and get angry when someone interferes in your personal affairs. You fear loneliness and isolation. You are distrustful and very difficult towards a loved one. You don't show them your feelings.

7. Born between April 20 and May 8 and August 12 and 19

In a past life, you were a ruthless conqueror

Megalomania and the desire to impose your will were the most characteristic features of your past life. You had many opponents. You were merciless to your enemies and those who stood in the way of your goal.

In this life, you hate authority and authoritative people. Strive for peace and harmony. Your desire for freedom is very strong and you are constantly looking for new adventures. You are very jealous in love, but you are always ready to give your soul to a person who inspires you with love and feelings.

8. Born between May 9 and 27 and June 29 and July 13

In a past life, you were an educated person

You knew very well that fame is a double-edged sword. You were strict with yourself, mistakes were not allowed. You have realized that death is not only a physical but a spiritual event.


You trust people a lot in your current life. You are an authoritative person with a good reputation. Don't put up with superficial conversations. Friendship is a sacred thing for you and you are a loyal friend. You seek truth, tenderness and romance in your love life.

9. Born between March 11 and 31, October 18 and 29 and December 19 and 31

In a past life, you were a great speaker

You were a very smart strategist with excellent speaking skills. Your weakness was your romantic side and tender heart. You have experienced love in body and soul. It's no surprise that you became vindictive when your heart was broken.

In your current life, you still have speaking skills and are looking for an even stronger relationship with others. You can't stand bad people. You will give everything for friendship and friends can always count on you. In love, you are very suspicious and jealous.

10. Born between May 28 and June 18 and between September 28 and October 2

In a past life, you were an adventurer with a tender heart

Your purpose in life was to discover unknown places. You had a very curious personality with a vivid imagination and sought to quench your thirst for adventure. You wanted to learn many foreign languages and visit many undiscovered places.


Now you are an independent person with different interests. However, you are trying to discover new horizons and do not want to settle in one place. You are looking for your soulmate in love.

11. Born between April 1 and 19 and November 8 and 17

In a past life, you were a mysterious rebel

You have constantly sought to discover the mystical. You had prophetic power and participated in white magic. You were very social. Your love for others was more spiritual than physical.

In the present life, you are an authority with critical thinking. You value sensitive and wise people very much. You are an excellent psychologist, you quickly understand what people are hiding from you. You give everything in love and you want the same from your partner.

12. Born between January 1 and 7, June 19 and 28, September 1 and 7 and November 18 to 26

In a past life, you were a brilliant intellectual

Your main qualities were honesty and intelligence. You had no shortage of envious enemies because of your brilliant mind. Your prophetic visions were deeply connected to your intuition. You have always longed for new insights and discoveries.


You have a great sense of duty to people in this life. You have many positive qualities. Now your intellect is much higher and you are trying to explore your soul deeply.

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