
Your favorite sleeping position reveals what your health is like

Sleep is really half of health. Check!

When it's time to close your eyes and fall asleep, your sleeping position can have a positive or negative effect on your body. Although it's difficult to change your habits, it's good to know whether your sleep patterns are either supporting or hindering your health. Check!

Sleeping on your back


This position is great for balancing your body weight. It maintains the alignment of the internal organs and prevents neck and back pain. Be sure to place a pillow under your knees to maintain proper back alignment. Many people have found that sleeping on their backs has helped alleviate lower back pain.


If you snore, you may want to turn on your side, as sleeping on your back can make your snoring worse. If you have neck pain, sleeping on your back can irritate your neck.

Sleeping on your back

Side sleeping


Lying on your side in the fetal position with your knees bent and a pillow between your legs can help take stress off your back. It is important to keep the pillow in a neutral position so that your head does not slip and thus affect your posture.

It is also good to know that sleeping on the left side reduces the discomfort of heartburn. This position is good for reducing snoring because the airway remains open, which alleviates snoring and mild forms of sleep apnea. Sleeping on the right side is good for the heart, as it is less stressed in this position.


You are lucky - there are actually no bad effects on your spine, as this position follows the natural curvature of the spine. If you sleep on your right side, heartburn and reflux symptoms will worsen, so it is better to sleep on your left.

Side sleeping

Sleeping on your stomach


When you have low back pain, occasionally sleeping on your stomach can reduce pressure on the intervertebral discs (discs). Stomach sleeping also helps reduce sleep apnea and snoring because the position allows the airway to remain open.


Also, if you like to sleep on your stomach, be aware that this is the position with the highest risk. According to Jonathan FitzGordon, a New York-based yoga teacher and founder of CoreWalking, sleeping on your stomach straightens the natural curve of your lower back and keeping your head to one side all night, which distorts the alignment of the spine in the neck. . This position can also put unnecessary pressure on the nerves, which will cause tingling.

Sleeping on your stomach

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