
Your heart knows the truth even when your mind doesn't make sense

Photo: envato

To unite heart and mind, to create permanent communication and cooperation between them, is the task of self-development. And along the way you encounter many contradictions that you cannot reconcile. You think that the mind knows and knows everything and you expect it to process everything and make it conscious.

But the mind can search only with real information that comes from the heart, from feelings, from intuition. And when you feel your logic falling apart, listen to your heart, as this will allow the mind to do its job.

Your heart knows what is good for you. What will help you evolve and expand, to come closer to your essence and the person you should be. It will know what is holding you back. However, it is not particularly clear when sending signals.

It informs you about the truth not with a voice in your head, but with silent warnings somewhere in your stomach.

Your mind will not be able to process this information, sort it and take it seriously unless you train it to do so.

The mind is dedicated to the way that is known and seen, to those parts of life that you built while building yourself, believing that this is the right path.

Trust your heart! Photo: Jenna Anderson/Unsplash

The mind craves reason, safety and clarity, while the heart seeks sensation and makes excellent use of physical sensations. The heart does not know logic and clarity, it uses perceptions deep within you.

The mind builds security (illusory) believing that there is only one way, one way of life to be practiced. And the heart knows that this is an illusion and that there is no safety anywhere.

The heart sends its signals through the emotions that overwhelm you, reminding you that feelings carry messages that you can only understand if you don't let them overwhelm you.

The heart shows, does not impose and does not insist. He predicts things before they happen. He warns you, before the lesson you will receive, you just have to listen to him.

The most important path in life is not the one on which you find the willpower to continue living, but the one on which you dare to risk everything you have.

You may believe that your mind brought you to where you are now, but there were a thousand other, subtle signs, feelings that you followed anyway, little impulses that revealed a whole other world to you.

Your heart knows the right way, trust it.

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