
Are you on the hunt for your dream job? Then check what corresponds to your astrological sign?

Which job is written in the stars for you - professional horoscope?!

Photo: Columbia Pictures/ Con film

Is there a career horoscope? A guide to jobs that correspond to a particular astrological sign. We argue that there is, because astrological signs have very specific qualities that are ideally suited to certain professions. This is your dream job according to your astrological sign!

Earth signs such as taurus, virgo and capricorn possess natural skills for making money. Fire Aries, Leo and Sagittarius advance on the basis of their steadfastness energy, enthusiasm and strong personalities. Shy and sensitive water signs, including Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, thrive in environments that allow them to spirituality, while extraverted chatty air signs like Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, supreme visionaries of space. If you are interested in which career is right for you, read on!

Is your astrological sign related to your profession?


Aries are strong and determined individuals (photo: IG @Robert Downey Jr.)
Aries are strong and determined individuals (photo: IG @Robert Downey Jr.)

Aries are strong and determined individuals who are ambitious, decisive and discover. As a fire sign, they are extremely adventurous and active, so they need work that it reflects their dynamic personality.

Careers that are suitable for Aries:

  • a politician
  • media personality
  • businessman
  • an adventurer

The careers listed above allow Aries to express their strong beliefs and create their own place in the world. Their relentless ambition can help them succeed in business circles as well as the political or media worlds.

Celebrities born under the sign of Aries:
Maya Angelou, Kofi Annan, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Downey Jr.


Taurus are reliable, honest and practical (photo: IG @audrey.hepburn)
Taurus are reliable, honest and practical (photo: IG @audrey.hepburn)

The fundamental quality of bulls is their need for stability and security – this is what they are looking for in all areas of life. Bulls are reliable, honest and practical, so they are most likely to do well organized and thoughtful tasks.

Careers that are suitable for Aries:

  • a lawyer
  • nurse (technician)
  • educator
  • P.R

The careers listed above require effort and dedication to work. If bulls do well in these careers, they secure themselves stability and security for the future.

Knowne personalities born under the sign of Taurus:
Cate Blanchet, George Clooney, Malcolm X, William Shakespeare, Audrey Hepburn.


People born under the sign of Gemini are curious (photo: IG @angelinajolie_offiicial)
People born under the sign of Gemini are curious (photo: IG @angelinajolie_offiicial)

Gemini born under the sign of Gemini are curious, mischievous, multi-layered and eager for many things. This sign is probably the most eloquent of them all! They are suitable for jobs that provide social benefit and diversity. It is in their nature to change professions often because they see it as the way to their destination.

Careers suitable for Gemini:

  • a journalist
  • a traveler
  • an actor
  • media personality

The career paths listed above are diverse enough to satisfied the curious twins, who need freshness and new things. These jobs are not typical office jobs.

Celebrities born under the sign of Gemini:
Angelina Jolie, Walt Whitman, Bill Hader, Johnny Depp, Rafael Nadal.


Crabs are hard on the outside, but tender and soft on the inside (photo: IG @Leo Messi)
Crabs are hard on the outside, but tender and soft on the inside (photo: IG @Leo Messi)

Crabs are hard on the outside, but hard on the inside gentle and soft. This astrological sign is ruled by the Moon, so individuals born under this sign are often described as genuine enigmas. They are also energetic, dramatic, friendly, imaginative and protective.

Careers that are suitable for Cancer:

  • a lawyer
  • the baker
  • a psychologist
  • oceanographer

The careers mentioned above are compatible with Cancer protective nature, because as psychologists or lawyers they can help those in need. Oceanography is particularly suited to crustaceans because they have the latter has a strong connection with water. But with baking, they would achieve their goals creative skills.

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer:
Nelson Mandela, Harrison Ford, Lionel Messi, Meryl Streep, Malala Yousafzai.


Leos are born leaders (photo: IG @Barack Obama)
Leos are born leaders (photo: IG @Barack Obama)

Lions are born leaders, as they are charismatic, positive, fearless, inspiring and independent. Because of them innate leadership skills they are excellent candidates for management positions. They are good-natured and people love them for their positive attitude and commitment to work.

Careers suitable for a Leo:

  • the editor
  • an actor
  • director
  • management positions

The above careers allow Leos to they feel important, as the latter are goal-oriented and competitive, and their work ethic and personality are usually very high popular among colleagues.

Famous people born under the sign of Leo:
Barack Obama, Jennifer Lawrence, Usain Bolt, Madonna, Steve Carell.

A virgin

Virgos are perfectionists by nature (photo: IG @beyonce)
Virgos are perfectionists by nature (photo: IG @beyonce)

Virgos are perfectionists by nature - they follow up well details and they are exact, when it comes to the implementation of any plans. They are well organized, hardworking and helpful, but otherwise they want to stability.

Careers suitable for a Virgo:

  • translator
  • the editor
  • a detective or investigator
  • statistician

Each of the career paths suggested above requires attention and playing with details. Virgos are also skilled in abstract thinking, which the aforementioned services certainly require.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Virgo:
Beyoncé, Jimmy Fallon, Sean Connery, Colin Firth, Mother Teresa, George RR Martin.


People born under the sign of Libra are loners, diplomatic, sociable, charismatic (photo: IG @baronessmargarettthatcher)
People born under the sign of Libra are loners, diplomatic, sociable, charismatic (photo: IG @baronessmargarettthatcher)

In this astrological the sign has everything to do with "weighing" - these individuals are diplomatic, sociable, charismatic and know how to get along with people. Libras like new things, so they have no problem connect with people or do new things with enthusiasm. They work hard in a monotonous and boring the environment.

Careers that are suitable for a Libra:

  • a lawyer
  • mediator
  • a diplomat
  • social worker

The careers mentioned above they provide interactions with other people, as well as solving various problems that present a challenge to scales.

Famous people born under the sign of Libra:
Hugh Jackman, Serena Williams, John Lennon, Anne Rice, Margaret Thatcher.


Scorpios are the epitome of control (photo: IG @thisisbillgates)
Scorpios are the epitome of control (photo: IG @thisisbillgates)

They are Scorpions the epitome of control – these individuals are analytical, hardworking, intuitive and resourceful. They are attracted to mysterious things and anything complicated or abnormal. They are able to completely disconnect from the outside world and focus exclusively on your work.

Careers that are suitable for a Scorpio:

  • a spy
  • researcher
  • scientist
  • a surgeon

Each of the suggested careers allows a Scorpio to do a job in which must use his analytical skills. In addition, these jobs are "dangerous" and require a lot of attention, but since Scorpios can focus on a task, they could be successful in any of the career paths mentioned.

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio:
Bill Gates, Emma Stone, Carl Sagan, Leonardo DiCaprio, Anne Hathaway, Hillary Clinton.


Shooters are known for being focused on their goals (Photo: IG @bradpittoffcial)
Shooters are known for being focused on their goals (Photo: IG @bradpittoffcial)

Sagittarians are known for being focused on their goals and if they want something, they make every effort to get it. Their belief system is unwavering, but they have a light-hearted attitude towards life, so they are always looking new experiences and adventures. It is very difficult for them to remain calm, as they constantly need challenges.

Careers that are suitable for a Sagittarius:

  • an interpreter
  • a theologian
  • P.R
  • animal trainer

The careers above allow shooters to use their own communication skills and satisfy their needs for novelties and adventures.

Famous people born under the sign of Sagittarius:
Brad Pitt, Walt Disney, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Bill Nye, Jane Austen.


Capricorns are very ambitious individuals (photo: IG @michelleobama)
Capricorns are very ambitious individuals (photo: IG @michelleobama)

Capricorns are very ambitious individuals who enjoy challenges. They understand the importance of hard work and are determined to achieve their goals. They like to climb the ladder and reach the top.

Careers suitable for Capricorn:

  • banker
  • an accountant
  • works related to medicine
  • works related to science

The careers listed above are perfect for Capricorns because they allow them to solving problems and use logical skills. In addition, the analytical mind of Capricorn is oriented towards challenges, which they will definitely get at mentioned parts.

Famous people born under the sign of Capricorn:
Martin Luther King Jr., Michelle Obama, Elvis Presley, Muhammad Ali, Stephen Hawking.


Aquarians are often described as visionaries (photo: IG @shakira)
Aquarians are often described as visionaries (photo: IG @shakira)

Aquarians are often described as visionaries. They like to explore innovative ideas and are curious by nature. They are most likely to have an unconventional job because they strongly resist corporate environments because they need it freedom of thought and movements. They like to do things in a different way than other people do.

Careers that are suitable for Aquarius:

  • scientist
  • musician or artist
  • the inventor
  • an astronomer

Each of the listed careers allows Aquarians freedom, creativity and innovation. They may discover new theories, create original artwork/music, or discover new details about the universe. Who knows?

Famous people born under the sign of Aquarius:
Charles Darwin, Mozart, Shakira, Abraham Lincoln, Oprah Winfrey.


People born under the sign of Pisces are compassionate (photo: IG @arethasings)
People born under the sign of Pisces are compassionate (photo: IG @arethasings)

People born under the sign of Pisces are compassionate, imaginative, creative and artistic. As is the symbol of this sign (one fish pointing up and the other down), so is the life of individuals born in this sign - split. They have strong intuition and show signs old souls.

Careers that are suitable for Pisces:

  • veterinarian
  • a philanthropist
  • a psychologist
  • works related to art

The careers listed above are match the personality traits of a Pisces. Any job requires Pisces to ask themselves if such a job will allow them to be compassionate, intuitive and creative.

Famous people born under the sign of Pisces:
Jackie Chan, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Aretha Franklin, George Washington.

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