
Zebra pancakes are a real hit and here's a great recipe that will work for everyone!

Photo: IG hautescuisines

Before you is a recipe for zebra pancakes - a phenomenal version of regular pancakes, which is quick and easy to prepare!

You can surprise your family or friends with a completely new version of your favorite snack - zebra pancakes. They come from the family of thin French pancakes, and are distinguished from their "relatives" by the brown patterns obtained by adding cocoa to part of the mixture.

The preparation is very simple, so even beginners can master it very quickly. Even better, the finished dessert looks like it came from the hands of a top chef. We're sure these special pancakes will be a big hit at your house, so here's the recipe!

Recipe for zebra pancakes

Ingredients for zebra pancakes

  • 500 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of melted butter
  • 1 dcl of mineral water
  • flour
  • 1 tablespoon of cocoa (goes into 1/4 of the dough)
  • 1 piping bag or pastry bag for creating spirals with dark paste

Preparation of zebra pancakes

Mix eggs, salt, margarine, mineral water, then gradually add flour to the liquid mixture until it becomes creamy and medium thick.
Separate 1/4 of the mixture into another bowl, add cocoa and stir until the ingredients are well mixed. Pour the resulting mixture into a piping bag or pastry bag with a narrow nozzle.

Heat the oil in a pan and pour in the classic pancake mixture, wait for about 10 seconds or until the dough is slightly browned and no longer mushy, and then draw spirals in a circle with a pump using the dark mass.

Bake the pancake until the end and repeat the process for each pancake. Choose the filling for the finished pancakes as desired. So sweet good run!

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