
The 104-Year-Old Grandfather Who Has More Style Than You (And Less Years Than The Real Internet)

104 year old hipster

There are grandfathers, and then there are Grandfathers, which includes Günther Anton Krabbenhöft, a 104-year-old gentleman who has more style than you and knows that fashion is not reserved for the young and that age is just a number. The German says that the Internet has doubled the number of crosses he carries on his back, but the truth probably lies somewhere in between. Anyway, his recent "photoshooting" in Berlin at the Kotbusser Tor train station is proof that some fashion is eternal, even if it changes practically from month to month.

Günther Anton Krabbenhöft it is A 104-year-old gentleman, who definitely has more style than you! Whether he is really as old as they say or whether the internet has inflated him for years is not even as important as the fact that he could 21st century hipsters many learned from him.

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But Krabbenhöft remains modest and he says that this type of clothing seems completely normal to him and that he had always dressed like that. Did he go to work or exercise. "I want to look at myself with pleasure. There are always dresses it reflects my inner self.”, he accompanied his posing.

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