
The world turned upside down: an incredible video bursting with optical illusions

Freerunning illusions

We are usually bombarded by photos with optical illusions, and the "freerunners" Jason Paul and Pasha Petkuns played with them in their interesting video, where they defy gravity and perform tricks that seem to defy all logic. The world turned upside down. Literally!

Professional "freerunner" Jason Paul and Pasha Petkuns made a fun video where they used tricks with the camera and perspective to create optical illusions, which makes it seem that for them the laws of physics do not apply. Is that really the case? As he reveals a clip from behind the scenes of the shoot they are only human after all no superpowers.

Freerunning illusions that will leave you scratching your head all day long.
Freerunning illusions that will leave you scratching your head all day long.

Jason Paul, who has been freerunning for ten years, says it is "free running" like a child on a playground. He runs around trying new things and testing his limits. Just as his video tests the limits of our understanding.

READ MORE: Best Illuison of The Year Contest 2015 - these are the best optical illusions of the year

"Free running" is the competitive sport of parkour, who does not use gymnastic moves such as aerial rotations, somersaults and spins, because these are ineffective in his mission to reach the destination in the shortest possible time.

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