
Gucci with flip-flops that are Donald Trump's cropped hairstyle

Gucci Horsebit-Detailed Goat Hair Slippers

Donald Trump's hairstyle has long been the target of ridicule. Comedians on duty have already compared his hair to many things, but no one would have thought that we would find a similarity with it in Gucci's Gucci Horsebit-Detailed Goat Hair Slippers, which the prestigious Italian fashion brand introduced back in 2015, but just due to the similarity with Trump's hairstyle, they once again broke into the spotlight. They can be yours for US$1,800.

Yes, you read that right. Gucci for furry slippers Gucci Horsebit-Detailed Goat Hair Slippers — no, it's not Trump's Chewbacca wig from Star Wars — he demands 1800 euros. Shocking but totally statement style Donald Trump.

READ MORE: Zakistar: Slovenian flip flops that evoke the feeling of walking barefoot

The resemblance is purely coincidental.
The resemblance is purely coincidental.

Comfortable flip-flops are made made of goat hair and they are outdoor shoes, not slippers. Despite what may be believed to the contrary, they are an extremely desirable piece that Gucci recommends in combination with skirts, jeans and light dresses. But the price is so high that not even Trump's wig would fetch such a high price at auction.

Unusual Gucci Horsebit-Detailed Goat Hair Slippers:

Things similar to Trump's hairstyle:

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