
Honest Slogans: If advertising slogans spoke the truth…

In the "Honest Slogans" project, young creative Clif Dickens showed how advertising slogans would sound if they were telling the truth. The saying that good things sell themselves does not apply to the following products.

''Advertising is the art of getting people to spend money they don't have on something they don't need,'' said Will Rogers, and he was probably right. Advertisers don't really lie - but sometimes for some products it seems like they wrap the truth about them in cellophane to make the whole thing look much more tempting than it really is.
That this is indeed the case is in his project "Honest Slogans" displayed Cliff Dickens. He adapted the advertising slogans of well-known products so that they speak the absolute truth. You can find more of Clif Dickens' creativity, which even the famous Don Draper from The Advertisers would be happy to have on his team. on his blog, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

See how advertising slogans would sound if they were telling the truth in our photo gallery!

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