
According to dermatologists, what should I use after showering instead of body lotion?

Using body lotion after showering is said to be a good habit to achieve smooth and soft skin. However, there are plenty of alternatives that may be better for your skin – and some are much more affordable. Read what dermatologists say you should use instead of body lotion after showering.

It is common knowledge that body lotion is applied to the skin after showering. However, many experts argue that the lotion does not moisturize the skin well enough. So the question is, what should you use after showering instead of body lotion, according to dermatologists. According to opinion American Academy of Dermatology (American Academy of Dermatology) lotion does successfully moisturize the skin, but there are still others on the market better versions. Many dermatologists advocate using it more than lotion oil preparations or body creams. These two types of products are in most cases less scented and thus less invasive for the skin. The choice of product is, of course depends on your skin type. If you have more oily skin, choose a water-based cream, but if it's your skin very dry, but we recommend using body oil. The downside of oil and cream is, of course, that these preparations take longer to be absorbed. However, that's why it's theirs the efficiency is so much better.

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Use oil or cream instead of lotion
Use oil or cream instead of lotion.

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