
Bike path inspired by Van Gogh's Starry Night

Dutch limitless innovation and imagination surprise us every day and inspire us to wish for a similar project in Slovenia as created by the Dutch artist and designer Daan Roosegaarde and Studio Roosegaarde.

If you've ever wanted lights to illuminate your evening path under your feet, you must visit Nuenen (Netherlands). The kilometer-long bike path was created using glow-in-the-dark technology and solar-powered LED lights. In the evening, when the track glows in all its beauty, the inspiration of Van Gogh's Starry Night conjures before our eyes. Innovative studio Studio Roosegaarde just recently revealed his technological art to the public, which acts as an intersection of people, art and public space.

Watch a short video about the project

In the gallery, there is a magical bike path.

Info Box

More information:
Studio Roosegaarde

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