
Logged out: Ikea with a placemat with a smartphone pocket to bring back table manners

Ikea placemat Logged out

Since the advent of mobile phones, and even more so smart phones, etiquette at the dining table has failed. People take pictures of food to keep it cool in the meantime, we don't even know what we're eating, because our eyes are glued to the screen, and parents literally have to push their children to put it down and eat a meal normally and find out how it was at school. It's likely that your smartphone has sparked an argument at your desk. Now Ikea has a solution. This will be part of the Sittning collection, a limited series of products that will also include a special Logged out placemat with a smartphone pocket.

They usually guard the plate on the table to the right and left fork, knife and spoon. The last few years would also be included among the accessories smartphone, which should really be in your pocket at lunchtime. Well, we know that's not the case. Ikea therefore decided to act in an unusual way. S Placemats Logged out, which will be part of the exclusive Sitting collections (2016), which will consist of utensils, glasses, vases, candlesticks, tablecloths, etc. and will be available since September 2015 further.

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Logged out doesn't completely free you from the clutches of your smartphone, but at least you can put it out of your hands.
Logged out doesn't completely free you from the clutches of your smartphone, but at least you can put it out of your hands.

And what is the specialty of the placemat Logged out? Smartphone pocket, which is located on the side where we usually have a knife and spoon. You won't actually be separated from your phone this way, but Ikea hopes that thanks to the unique placemat, you'll be able to have a more normal conversation while eating again, one that involves talking while looking at the other person's face. Don't worry, the material of the pocket is transparent and all possible notifications can be seen through it, so you won't miss anything. It is the wolf is full and the goat is whole.

Logged out, an Ikea placemat that brings etiquette back to the table.
Logged out, an Ikea placemat that brings etiquette back to the table.

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