
An incredible optical illusion in the middle of the California desert

An American artist has turned an abandoned shed in the middle of the Californian desert in the Joshua Tree National Forest into an incredible optical illusion called Lucid Stead.

Where others see only an abandoned and broken down old shed, Phillip K. Smith see inspiration for something beautiful. So the American artist created optical illusion and slowly renovated the cabin, which had been falling apart in the middle of the desert for the past few years, and added large mirrors to it. Thus, he created the illusion that we can see straight through the building.

"When you slow down and connect with the desert, the project begins to unfold before you. It turns out that it's all about light and shadows, reflected light, projected light and change," Smith said of his artwork.

The doors and windows are also equipped with LED lights that change colors in the dark, reflecting the desert landscape. "Someone sees blue, red, yellow. But when he takes a few steps forward and places himself in a different location, he sees that the windows are now orange, purple and green.”

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