
Nokia 150 – good old Nokia in a new packaging

Nokia 150 mobile phone

Nokia, once the king of mobile telephony, but today just a pale shadow of itself, is back on the scene (for what time?) under a new owner. The former giant, which was divided and is still given to each other by companies, is now trying to raise from the ashes HMD Global, which took over the phone part from Microsoft. The Nokia 150, however, may not be what you expected from the former mobile megastar.

After the telephone work Nokia cancelled Microsoft, it was taken over by the company HMD Global, which was founded by former senior employees of Nokia. It plans to send phones to market in 2017 Nokia with the operating system Android, but the first phone under the auspices of the new owner is not a smartphone, but a mobile phone. Is Nokia stuck in the previous decade? Nokia 150 it is a phone that might have impressed us in 2006, but not in 2016! Or is it? Two versions will be available, with support for one or two SIM cards. It is a classic mobile phone with a physical keyboard, which is also used as MP3 and FM radio player. It is a kind of continuation of the Nokia 215 model.

It boasts a 2.4-inch resolution screen 320 x 240 pixels, VGA camera with LED flash, which means it's more for decoration than not, a 3.5mm headphone jack, a memory card slot microSD. It supports Bluetooth 4.0 technology. Nokia wouldn't be Nokia if it didn't have one too snakes and in this respect the Nokia 150 does not disappoint.

READ MORE: Nokia 216 - the mobile phone with which you can go on vacation without a charger

Is there still room for Nokia in the dense competition?
Is there still room for Nokia in the dense competition?

Why would you decide to buy a phone that has been sitting in some drawer with a different label for the last ten years? It returns with the Nokia 150 model durable battery with capacity 1020 mAh, which in standby mode lasts just 31 days and enables 22 hours of conversations on charging. It will be available in the first quarter of 2017 and will be priced to match its capabilities – 25 euros. HMD Global is more than obviously targeting the Snapchat generation with this phone, but only those who use the phone for essentials, i.e. calls and sending SMS messages.

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